Well hello 2017, nice to meet you, I’m sure we’re going to get along just fine. There’s a lot I’ll be expecting of you, hope you’re ready for the ride!

Many people I work with come to me for advice on how to balance their work and life priorities. Me? I see no difference between work and life priorities. Priorities are priorities. Most of us need to work for a living. Life is a very immovable object at times and it can take a lot of creativity to work around it.
What I do know for sure though is that big goals, big milestones, big learning curves, they work best on a system of pressure and release. Pressure to create a sense of urgency, build momentum, derive the best possible outcomes. But you also need a release mechanism to counterbalance the pressure.
It’s a bit like a car engine, you can only rev it so much within the one gear, it will get you so far and then you need to change gears or the engine will blow its stack. The revving is the pressure and progress, changing of the gears is the release and renewal.
We’re going to need to remember that, 2017, with everything I have planned for us this year.
So are you ready? Let’s do this!!
Yours in anticipation,
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