It’s fairly obvious that central to any change process is deciding exactly what you want to change. But you’d be surprised how often this is overlooked. At least in any detail.
I mean it’s easy to say, for example, you want better governance. Or better strategy. Or greater return on investment. But then it takes some drilling down to figure out what that really means. and what success will look like.
Because change is my thing, I’m full of ideas on how to get from A to B. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle for me, I get a strange sense of satisfaction in pulling these ideas together into an action plan. Which is how I came to draw up this Scorecard for the new Board of CPA Australia.
Based on the feedback of 4,000 CPA members, this scorecard will enable members to gauge how effectively the new board of our beleaguered association is managing the turnaround they’ve taken charge of. (For those who missed the news, 7 of our directors resigned within 3 weeks of each other, and the remaining 5 announced their resignations shortly thereafter – and a crisis of this magnitude takes a lot of change to correct.)
The group I coordinate will then decide on appropriate resolutions to take to the 2018 AGM, based on how the progress made by the Board between now and then.
If you’re a CPA member, or have any interest in the governance of the financial profession, you can read my letter to the Board outlining the scorecard of what members are expecting from their appointment here.
Yours, in anticipation,
Dear Jen,
clear succint & appropriate
Thanks Barry appreciate the feedback. Regards Jen